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Sie sind hier: Startseite Nachrichten Weltgeschehen CGTN: China ruft die politischen Parteien rund um die Welt dazu auf globale Herausforderungen gemeinsam anzugehen Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee and Chinese president, delivers a keynote speech at the CPC and World Political Parties Summit in Beijing, capital of China, July 6, 2021. Bild: Xinhua
Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee and Chinese president, delivers a keynote speech at the CPC and World Political Parties Summit in Beijing, capital of China, July 6, 2021. Bild: Xinhua

Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee and Chinese president, delivers a keynote speech at the CPC and World Political Parties Summit in Beijing, capital of China, July 6, 2021. Bild: Xinhua